The Correct Technique
First, all the air must be let out of the ball. The bladder of the ball should not be near the seam to be sewn and may need to be pushed away.
It is best to sew with a curved leather needle, but a straight needle will do in a pinch. The thread used should be comparable in thickness to the thread used in the ball.
It is best to work with 2 needles at the same time. The existing holes in the panels should be used. The seam must be pulled together and tightened regularly.
At the end, the thread is knotted. The knot can be additionally fixed with a drop of super glue.
Excess thread is cut short and pushed between the seams with a thin blunt object. This makes the area disappear and become invisible if you have sewn it well.
To protect the seam from external influences, it can be covered with an elastic glue afterwards.
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