After Adidas already suspected in 2019 that the names for the Adidas balls will change, it is now final! At that time there was the Champions League Ball “Finale 2019” as “Top Capitano”, which was previously only called “Capitano”. With the EM-Ball 2020 new names are added and may replace the old ones completely, even if it does not become clearer in the Adidas ball range.
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Good news: Official Matchball remains Official Matchball
At least I can bring you good news: The name of the official game ball remains as it is. All balls – by the way from all manufacturers – labeled “Official Matchball” are the “originals”. These balls are used in professional games and are simply of great quality. The Uniforia, as the EURO2020 Ball is called, will probably cost around € 149.95 like the Telstar (World Cup 2018). It’s cheaper. Here you can find out how I got 9 matchballs for under € 200!
Competition remains Competition
Nothing changes in the second-best class either. The balls are still called “Matchball Replica Competition” and continue to bear the Fifa Quality Pro seal. If you don’t want to afford the official game ball, but still don’t want to do without the advantages of a match ball, you can buy this version. Above all, it costs only € 49.95 and is qualified by FIFA as a match ball.
Matchball Replica “League”
The “Matchball Replica League” version is the highest quality training ball from Uniforia. This ball used to be called Top Replique or Top Training for the Bundesliga and Champions League balls. Nothing has changed here since the Telstar 2018. This ball bears the FIFA Quality Seal. The new name should indicate that the ball makes sense to play in the “league”. Most football clubs play with the Official Matchball, which I would advise you to do. The ball, like the other years, also costs € 34.95.
Matchball Replica “Training”
The version with the name “Matchball Replica Club” should be more suitable for the club’s internal football game. The equivalent of the older generations is the top glider. I know clubs that train with this model, but I cannot say that everyone would be completely satisfied with it. In fact, I would rather use the “League” version for serious football training. This ball also does it for home or leisure. With a RRP of € 24.95 it is quite cheap.
Matchball Replica “Club”
With this version I have not yet found a big difference to the previous variant, the “training”. It seems to me that this ball is a little bit cheaper. That should come close to the glider. The ball costs € 19.95 instead of € 24.95 and is a little bit more short-lived than the Top Glider.
Official Matchball (139,95€)
Uniforia “League” (34,95€)
Uniforia “Training” (24,95€)
Uniforia “Club” (19,95€)
Conclusion for the Uniforia 2020
If you want to bet on matchball quality, you should get the Official Matchball (OMB) or the Competition. The league ball is the best choice for good football training from C youth. Anyone who is younger should train with a lightweight ball anyway. The club or training ball is also sufficient for leisure time or as a bolt.
If you are looking for good soccer balls that are also greatly reduced, have a look at the seasonal balls. There is always a current selection of footballs that I made that is worthwhile.
What do you think of the Uniforia 2020?
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