Soccer balls, especially official match balls, are subject to certain quality requirements. Of course, because a size 5 soccer ball should always be the same size and approximately the same weight. To this end, FIFA has defined uniform criteria for certain quality standards. As a rule, the better the ball, the better the FIFA certification.
Soccer balls, especially official match balls, are subject to certain quality requirements. Of course, because a size 5 soccer ball should always be the same size and approximately the same weight. To this end, FIFA has defined uniform criteria for certain quality standards. As a rule, the better the ball, the better the FIFA certification.
FIFA Quality means that the ball has passed tests in terms of weight, circumference, roundness, rebound, water absorption, pressure loss and shape and size retention. The ball thus fulfills more criteria than those that only have the basic logo.
FIFA Quality Pro means the ball has passed the same tests in even tougher conditions. This sets a uniform standard for good balls. The official league, World Cup and European Championship balls are tested according to these criteria.
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