Official Matchball (OMB)
This is the original game ball, which is also used in the Bundesliga or for the World Cup. He is priced (RRP) at about 130 € and has excellent play and flight characteristics. In addition, it is very durable, if you take good care of it.

Nike Magia, Adidas Competition, Adidas Training Pro
The Competition series and the Magia series both have ball quality. This is already revealed by the Fifa Quality Pro seal, which also carries the official game balls. However, they are only about half the price of the originals. So you get a competition ball for about 40 € and strictly speaking has a match ball in front of him.

League (LGE), Top Training, Top Replique, Hybrid Training, Strike
Such balls are a “copy” of the original. Here, the upper is cheaper and the ball is not glued, but thermally welded. He is great as a training ball, but he is very vulnerable if you do not care well. The price is about 30 €.

Training (TRN), Top Glider
These balls are imitated the original. They cost about 25 € and are made of reasonably priced upper and are sewn. But they have one big advantage: a ball feeling! The surface is well padded and allows fine filigree movements. The flight characteristics leave much to be desired because the ball wears out very quickly. The Top Glider is a bit better than the Glider.

Club (CLB), Glider, Nike Pitch
Balls with this designation are even cheaper than the next better ones. They cost around € 20 and are usually particularly soft. Nevertheless, I do not recommend them because you cannot train well with them or they break quickly.

Match Junior, Light, S-Light, Lightweight
A lightweight ball usually weighs 290 or 350 grams, while a normal football weighs about 420 grams. The point is that children (up to the U13) can play better with a lighter ball than with a heavy one. In which youth which ball is the right one, you will find out in the table below.

Training Sportivo, Hardground (HG)
This refers to a “hardground ball”. This is very abrasion resistant to its surface and is well suited for playing on gravel or concrete.

Futsal, Sala
These are so-called futsal balls. They have their own size and bounce much less than an ordinary soccer ball. They are used in the hall and are played according to the futsal rules. The costs range from € 20 for a training ball to € 80 for a match ball.
In addition to the ball types, there are still different ball sizes and weights. The size and weight of certain youths can be found in the table below.
Ball sizes and weight
Age | Weight | Size |
G-Junioren (U7) | 290g | 4 |
F-Junioren (U8/U9) | 290g | 5 |
E-Junioren (U10/U11) | 290g | 5 |
D-Junioren (U12/U13) | 350g | 5 |
C-Junioren (U14/U15) and older |
410g – 450g | 5 |
Rankings by manufacturer
Adidas | Nike | Erima |
Official Matchball | Ordem/Merlin | Hybrid Match |
Competition | Magia | |
Top Replique/Training | Strike | Hybrid Training |
Top Glider | ||
Glider | Pitch |
Recommended types of balls by surface
Lawn | OMB, Competition, TT, G |
Lawn Wet | OMB, TT |
Artificial Turf | OMB, Competition, TT, G |
Artificial Turf Wet | OMB, TT |
Tartan | OMB, Competition, TT, G |
Gravel | Hardground |
Concrete | Hardground |
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