Wish is an online platform that deals with products from the Far East. It is advertised with high price reductions and appealing product images, but one must be careful: Sometimes one receives no original parts or only a part of the products pictured on the product image. Mostly something like that is in the product description.
Now the site offers a lot of things for sale. I noticed immediately the footballs that are offered there. They look (almost) exactly like original Adidas and Nike balls, but are offered very cheap and the brand name is not mentioned. There are no brand logos on the products. For this reason, I have followed up the matter and have ordered to test two such balls.
How the story went and what the balls are really good for, you will learn in the following article. In the photo gallery I have documented a few impressions.
Ordering Process
The ordering process was very easy, as is usual with Wish. In the product overview, the balls were offered attractively and the product images suggest that they are the original balls. Only the price leaves you with a doubt, because Wish is such a football offered for only 15 €. Much more confusing is the crossed out price. Wish advertises with drastic reductions and always writes the old price into the offers. Allegedly the ball should have been reduced from 342 € to 15 €! Even if it were an official Nike matchball, it would not have cost more than 130€ officially.
Another problem: I overlooked the fact that a ball was automatically selected size 4 during the order and thus made a totally unnecessary purchase. The standard size is size 5. Despite the price confusion ordering was very simple and straightforward. The payment was made via PayPal.
I ordered a total of 2 footballs. Both cost around 15 € each and were lowered by a utopian price (around 300 €). While I completed the order, however, I overlooked the shipping costs listed! Since a football is relatively large in comparison to the other items that are offered there, you pay around 8 € per ball on shipping costs. The nasty: The costs were listed in the order window on the phone at the bottom. So you had to scroll to see the total amount. But that was not necessary to complete the order, because it can be completed with a wipe without checking the total cost. So it came about that I ignorantly paid 16 € shipping costs!
Delivery Time/Packaging
The first ball came after just less then two weeks at my home. That’s a good delivery time when the products come from Asia. This and the second ball, which came a week later, were only packed in a plastic bag. But at least properly closed. It was certainly not to be mistaken that in both “packages” was a football. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with the delivery itself. What really surprised me: There were two ball needles to inflate and a small ball net for each ball for free! You do not really experience anything like that at the brand manufacturers. For sure a big thumbs up!
When I looked at the two balls more closely, it became clear that the quality of a training ball corresponds at the very least. But I have already guessed at the price. But that’s not as bad as it sounds at first. If the balls really have training ball quality, they have cost the same total costs as if I had ordered them from well-known brands in Germany. So it would be a plus-minus-zero deal for the buyer.
However, during testing, I noticed the following: The Nike Fake Ball only holds the air for 3 days. After that he has to be pumped up again. I suspect that the valve is not sitting properly. Changing the valve could solve the problem directly. Furthermore, I noticed that both balls lose their color very quickly. That’s a pity, because the design is very nice. But this also shows that not even high-quality color was set and the balls rub off quickly. Is that so healthy?
Overall, I would classify both balls by their quality similar to the Nike Strike or an Adidas top training football. The durability should be similar and the feel is actually too. But then I wonder if it’s worth the price. I do not think so, especially as they are fakes.
I think I do not need to mention that both balls are fakes. Apart from the fact that the balls were offered as match balls and have at most training ball quality, the design of the balls is Nike or Adidas. Even if no logo of the two brands can be seen on the balls. Such product counterfeiting should by no means be promoted. The goods can be intercepted by customs and destroyed after examination. In the worst case, a warning threatens the right holder. But that is only to be expected if it is a commercial import.
As beautiful as the two balls are and as seemingly cheap as they were offered; It is not worth! Each ball cost about 22 €. For 25 € there’s the real Nike Strike and for 35 € the real Adidas Top Training. The balls are at least genuine and have a certain quality. I advise everyone to buy Wish products that look like branded products. First of all, this is not worthwhile and secondly, you could get problems with the trademark right. I have given away both balls meanwhile, so at least with them is played.
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[…] You can’t go wrong with that, because it is only a fake if you buy a supposedly original ball from wish.com or similar […]