One or the other safely flies in the summer by plane on vacation. Included: A football in your luggage, but stop! A football is a pressure hull and when flying there is negative pressure … can the ball be damaged or even burst?

It’s not as bad as all that!
An airplane consists of a pressurized cabin that surrounds not only the passenger cabin but also the cargo hold. Within this pressure cabin, the air pressure is reasonably calibrated to those on the ground. At cruising altitude (about 12,000m), the cabin pressure is slightly more than that on the Zugspitze. Thus, you do not need to worry about pressure hulls, such as hair sprays, deodorants or even footballs. After all, animals also fly in the hold and of course they also need ground-like air pressure.
Despite the air pressure, which is comparable to that on a high mountain, the pressure difference from the cabin to the ground can well be 0.3 bar. Because footballs have a recommended pressure of approximately 0.6-0.8 bar, an inflated ball can quickly exceed its recommended pressure range. But that’s not bad, as long as you’re not training free kicks or kicks in the cabin. When the ball rests, it can hold at least twice the pressure recommended.
The regulation for hand luggage
Since a football is a pressure hull, safety regulations require that a football is not allowed in the hand luggage unless the air has been let out beforehand. If you fly only with hand luggage, this option should be considered. When you arrive at home, the ball can easily be pumped up again with a ball pump.
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